Polk County Assessor

Assessor, Rita Lemmon


Contact Us:

Appraiser: (417) 326-4346

Personal Property: (417) 326-4643

Fax: (417) 326-3131


Office Hours:

Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Location & Mailing Address:

102 E Broadway, Rm 9
Bolivar, MO 65613

The Assessor’s Office observes state holidays approved by the Commission.

Helpful Links

Property Tax Credit Information (948 form) – Some individuals may qualify for a credit or refund from the state, to see if you qualify, explore the link: https://dor.mo.gov/faq/personal/ptc.php

GIS Information

State Tax Commission

Personal Property Online

The County Assessor’s responsibility is to place a value on all taxable real and personal property, within the county as of January 1, the assessment date set by statute. All County Assessor’s offices are regulated and overseen by the Missouri State Tax Commission. Monthly visits by field representatives and annual spot review of properties aid them in evaluating the Assessor’s compliance with the statutory requirements. The values collected are utilized at a later date to assist in determining tax rates within the county boundaries that have been established by political, or taxing entities. Values are also used for bank loans and disaster relief. The Assessor’s Office also creates and maintains maps reflecting property ownership within the county. Polk County has over 18000 parcels of real estate. Polk County is a class three Missouri county.